Picadice Introduction
The Pica Bird is commonly known as a Magpie and they are notorious for stealing small objects.
Playing Picadice
The Picadice Game
Picadice is a board game for 2-4 players (age 8+). A game takes between 15 to 40 minutes to play, depending on the number of players
When played with three players, allies are quickly found and betrayed in every game. A four player game is often played as a doubles game with two teams of two players that forge alliances in advance.
Active Minds
Fun for active minds of all ages
With a simple set of rules, the winning strategy requires a combination of tactics, reasoning and luck.
A good player will not always win against a weaker player in a single game, due to the luck element of the game. However, the better player will win more games in the long run. It is this combination that makes Picadice so appealing for everyone.
Every game can turn on a roll of the dice
It’s always a new challenge
Easily learned but never conquered
Like it, Love it
Don’t let the Picabird break your heart
A great family gift
The family game where stealing is expected
Play for free
Always avaialable to play online for free

I can’t believe how easy it is to learn but tough to win

I love playing online against the bot. He is a good tutor too
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